How does quora help in successful mobile app marketing?
Learn how to use Quora to increase installs for your mobile app today. With this powerful step-by-step action plan, you’ll be able to drive targeted traffic and get more users for your mobile app.
If you’re looking for a low-cost way to increase mobile app installs and build brand awareness at the same time, start marketing on Quora today.
With over 190 million users and 40 million in the U.S., Quora is a go-to platform for mobile app marketing.
This article walks you through 5 steps to building your brand and driving traffic to your app on Quora.
- Decide who should answer questions on Quora
- Find topics that are relevant to your app
- Answer questions that generate the most views
- Structure your answers to drive traffic to your mobile app
- Save time by answering questions with your existing content
With this article, you can further identify the best possible ways through which you can optimize Quora for your app marketing plan. Let’s read further.
Identify And Select The Relevant Quora Topics For Your App
Quora gradually has turned into a wealthy question bank for the users, who love to utilize the Quora services and pick the most relevant strategies out of them to help them further.No prize for guessing, but Quora is the platform, though can encourage the users to trust your brand and download your app. However, to make this happen, you are required to find relevant topics, fitting the requirement basket of your mobile app. Don’t pick the questions with a random approach, rather do your set of research and then pick the question.
Pick The Questions Smartly
First, search Quora for a list of topics that are relevant to your app.If you find that there are significantly more people following the specific question than the answer, then this is where you need to nail the deal. You would be surprised to know that an answer which is followed by many, gives you an edge.
Plan Your Quora Answer
To prevent your answers from getting lost in everyone’s feed, focus on answering questions that have received few answers.It can easily be done in fewer steps, you only need to find a relevant topic, complimenting your offered services and simply navigate to its main page and click on the “most viewed writers” tab
Be A Smart Writer
At times indeed, answering on Quora, sounds boring and dull at a stretch, thus you need not be a part of this daunting task, rather you can be a smart writer and yet be creative, by repurposing your existing blog/article content and transform them into easy-to-consume answers on Quora. Write helpful answers that avoid promoting your app or company directly.